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Store Video Asset on IPFS

This guide provides you the instructions to store a video asset on IPFS from the Livepeer Studio Dashboard or through the Livepeer API.

The Livepeer API allows you to send video files to Livepeer and get them ready for optimized playback. Videos can be provided either by you (static content) or your users, given your application offers an interface for them to do so.

  • Currently assets cannot be deleted from the default Livepeer Studio storage. You can customize any additional storage though.
  • Only IPFS is supported as an additional storage provider. We're currently working on adding additional storage providers. If you have requirements for a particular storage provider, please reach out to us at

Step 1: Get the of an existing asset

Get the of an existing asset. An can be found in the response object of any API call working with assets. If you haven't created an asset yet, you can follow the upload a video asset guide to do so.

Step 2: Store the asset on IPFS

Once you have an, you can make a request to update the asset's storage location.

const storeAssetOnIPFS = await fetch("{id}", {
method: "PATCH",
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${process.env.API_TOKEN}`,
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: {
storage: {
ipfs: true,